
N15/02 Motorway Section Wangen – Uster East

We are pleased to have been chosen to support the FEDRO Winterthur branch in the N15/02 UPlaNS Wangen – Uster East motorway maintenance project. The project covers several departments, and the separation of maintenance, renovation and newbuilding measures presents particular challenges.


Integration Projects4P in R+R Burger und Partner AG

R+R Burger und Partner AG has taken over the Projects4P brand and integrated it as a new business unit.

Projects4P was founded and built up by our management board member Stefan Isler.

The services of the Projects4P division include project management consulting, project management training and interim project management.

These three elements are based on the innovative 4P Dynamo concept. This is based on a wealth of experience and includes a comprehensive and structured approach to develop project management skills in organizations in the long term.

Projects4P ideally complements the existing offering of R+R Burger und Partner AG.

While R+R Burger und Partner AG has made a name for itself in the management and cost consulting of infrastructure projects, Projects4P focuses on the individual development of maturity in project management of project-oriented organizations.


N06.24 NEB EM Brüggmoos – Lyss-Süd motorway maintenance project

We are very pleased that we have been asked to support FEDRO’s Thun branch in the N06.24 NEB EM Brüggmoos – Lyss-Süd motorway maintenance project during in the next years in our function as management support and senior construction management. The repair work on this motorway section includes a replacement of the pavement and extensive measures on the engineering structures. Actual construction work is planned for 2029.


Research project bicycle traffic exposure

R+R is working together with the ZHAW and Pro Velo on the FEDRO research mandate MFZ_20_04E_03 Measurement of exposure to bicycle traffic until spring 2026. The aim of this research project is to evaluate existing methods for determining the mobility behavior of cyclists and to test a promising approach in a pilot study in practice. It involves determining the exposure, i.e., the distances traveled by cyclists, divided into the use of bicycles and e-bikes. Existing bicycle counts will also be integrated into the pilot study. Based on the findings, a proposal for the future calculation of exposure in bicycle traffic in Switzerland will be developed.

N15/02 Motorway Section Wangen – Uster East
Integration Projects4P in R+R Burger und Partner AG
N06.24 NEB EM Brüggmoos – Lyss-Süd motorway maintenance project
Research project bicycle traffic exposure
Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)


R+R has carried out a research study on behalf of the Swiss Association of Road and Traffic Professionals (VSS) on Life Cycle Costing in road maintenace. The report represents a general guide and manual for improved maintenance strategies, providing basic knowledge as well as specific instructions.

Das InstruLife Cycle Costing (LCC), as a tool to minimise life cycle costs, is not restricted to mere analysis, but also includes a design task. An iterative process leads to the definition of optimal system boundaries (maintenance strategy, construction variant, etc.) resulting in minimal costs over the entire life cycle of the road infrastructure. Function and benefits are predetermined.

The research study presents a process sequence that highlights the individual elements and steps belonging to a comprehensive LCC. Irrespective of the actual decision-making scenario, this process sequence is the same for all subsystems in accordance with SN 640 900. The specific method of evaluation, the period under observation and the risk analysis are to be determined on a situational basis.

Key data

Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)

Processing period
2012 – 2015

Project type


Fields of expertise
Project Evaluation
Forecast Models

Project sheet


Dr. Jost Lüking

Consultant economics, chairman of the board of directors